
Hasbro Cuts the Crew: 1,000 Little Pieces of Sadness

January 26th, 2023

Hasbro Cuts the Crew: 1,000 Little Pieces of Sadness

Hasbro's got a tough situation on their hands after a disappointing holiday shopping season. They've decided to make some big cuts to their workforce by eliminating 15% of their team – that's a whopping 1,000 people!

It looks like Hasbro's giving a whole new meaning to the term "playing with toys". Now their employees are the ones playing with their futures as hundreds of pink slips are handed out.

As for the rest of the Hasbro team, the workplace is sure to be an interesting place in the days to come. We can only imagine the jokes and puns that will fill the air as the layoff news spreads.

"Oh no, Hasbro's cutting it's workforce 15%? Looks like someone's playing with a stacked deck!"

"Yup, Hasbro's workforce is shrinking like a cheap balloon!"

"We should all be thankful Hasbro isn't a video game company, otherwise it'd be game over for a lot of us!"

As funny as it is, this really is a sad situation. We hope Hasbro's remaining team members continue to find joy in their work, despite these unfortunate circumstances.

A collaboration between @sadderday and @bytamins.

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